Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hi guys!

Do you dream sometimes about travelling to ISRAEL
Walking in the streets of Jerusalem? Praying along the Western Wall?

Let me tell you something, guys, you are not the only one...
We all share that dream. And we pray on it daily.
I was born and raised in Israel. I live in Israel. When I pray, I pray that all of you will come to live in Israel. Leaving the place you live in is not an easy thing to do. Ask your parents, they can tell you for sure. 
But coming to a trip in Israel is much more easy. Some people fall in love in Israel. Some people then decide to do Aliyah and live in Israel for good. And it all began with one little trip to Israel.

The program MASA ISRAEL is a program that cares about bringing you guys for a trip to Israel. MASA ISRAEL gives scholarships to newcomers to Israel in the ages 18-30.

I know you guys are probably not in that age but that doesn't matter. In your age you can dream and pray. dream and pray that when you'll be 18 you'll join MASA ISRAEL and come to Israel and later on do Aliyah

Another thing - if you have older brothers, sisters, cousins etc... tell them that they can come to Israel with MASA ISRAEL

Keep on dreaming and praying, it WILL come true! 

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